Step 2/3 – the benefits of a Service Center: SKILLS MANAGEMENT!

Data exchanges: managing your software and hardware investments
Optimizing the cost of the IT system is a constant worryand tools seldom allow assessing the match between resources and requirements. So how is it possible to find out whether the

Informatica Cloud expertise
Our specialist team supports you from A to Z in your transition to the Cloud and offers you a way to start and efficiently complete your journey to the Cloud

Intrabases is hiring
Looking for a team like you?Want to work for a specialist? Let’s meet! https://youtu.be/kyZxtHBTXZQ

RPA: the first steps towards the automated enterprise
A real-life illustration of how #EAI and #RPA complement each other. Here’s to data exchanges! A real-life illustration of how #EAI and #RPA complement each other. Here’s to data exchanges! Within the wide ranging automation technology family, one

RPA: an interesting take on conventional wisdom
The purpose of Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is primarily to automate routine tasks, thereby releasing staff so that they can concentrate on higher value operations. Many companies are convinced that

The data catalog, the cornerstone
We wish to thank IBM for inviting Intrabases to the VIP Partner’s dinner called “The data catalog, cornerstone of your transformation”. #IBM #AreHegdal #data

Formation Gigaspaces
Intrabases busy training on #Gigaspaces ! #gridmemory #acceleratingbigdata #spark #hadoop #facilitiesforIA

Intrabases at the UIPath event
Intrabases at the UIPath event at Pavillon Ledoyen A very instructive talk by Raphael Hélion Chief Information and Technology Officer at PWC. #RPA #PWC #UIPath #Data

Expertise, expertise !
Expertise, expertise! Do I look like I have expertise? If you do, then welcome aboard! Now it’s all for a good cause… At the moment, we are especially interested in expertise